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Mottra Finest black caviar (Osetra)

Mottra Finest black caviar (Osetra)

Pure caviar taste without any preservatives. Sustainable harvesting. Vacuum sealed on site in sterile conditions.

11,00 550,00 

Black caviar Finest Osetra is a best seller export product of Mottra. Caviar is prepared using special temperature treatment process, without any preservatives. Taste is very light, tender, a true finding for the connoisseur. Texture is oily with a smooth aftertaste. 

Color ranges from the black to grey.

Egg size ranges from 2 mm to 3 mm
Firm grain-to-grain texture
Malossol with only 3% salt added at the last stage
Fresh, light and subtle flavors – black to gray tone
Tags: Category: SKU: FCO

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