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Balyk with Parsley

Balyk with Parsley

Made from the fresh Siberian sturgeon, we prepare our fish in accordance with a time-honored recipe, by using perfect quantity of fresh parsley, we’ve crafted a Balyk that reflects the best of both land and sea. Through a combination of cold-smoke and dry-curing, we proudly present you with an uncompromising delicacy.


Mottra Balyk with Parsley is an elegant balance of three distinct flavors, masterfully combined to create one of the world’s finest food. Made from the fresh Siberian sturgeon, we prepare our fish in accordance with a time-honored recipe, by using the perfect quantity of fresh parsley, we’ve crafted Balyk that reflects the best of both land and sea. Through a combination of cold-smoke and dry-curing, we proudly present you with an uncompromising delicacy.

All Mottra fish is raised, processed, packaged, and securely stored on-site in accordance with strict, European standards to ensure your Balyk arrives as fresh and delicious as possible.

  • Entirely natural
  • Fresh, Non-GMO, triple-washed parsley
  • Smoked with clean European hardwoods
  • 45 days shelf life
  • Comes in vacuum-sealed, 100g packing
  • 100% Sustainably farmed
  • Ethically raised
Tags: Category: SKU: BP

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